(Brussels, Belgium)(Assemblage, Recycled Materials, Multi)(Design Directory)2023-04-05

Lionel Jadot

Jadot invites you into subtle, quirky worlds bordering on reality. “I don't throw anything out, I pick up. I don't have a green thumb, I try cuttings, unnatural marriages. I never forget a line.”

Lionel Jadot

Born and based in Brussels, Lionel Jadot (°1969) is an interior architect, artist, designer, filmmaker, and adventurer. But preferably all at the same time. It makes all the fire. “I don't throw anything; I pick up. I don't have a green thumb; I try cuttings and unnatural marriages. I never forget a line.”

Jadot invites you into subtle, quirky worlds bordering on reality. His material is dilated time. The traveller's spirit seeks a protective balance in a hostile world. This is his permanent question: what becomes of the place where we live? For Jadot, everything is an object; everything is history. He draws on other places and other times and seeks what binds them. He sews, seams, re-sews, combines materials, and combines eras. He embeds wood in metal, minerals in vegetal, and old in new.

“I take care of the connection between two materials.” At home, there is play, as in a piece of machinery. From one reign to another, it causes organic, viral, energy-generating growths. Linking past and future, he never forgets a line. “I accumulate them.” Are we in 1930 or in 2030? Both, no doubt. The eye goes hand in hand with the ear. “When I walk into a place, I listen to the good (or bad) it does to me. Ineffable feeling.” He recreates buildings and mutant objects.

He flirts with retro-futurism. He finds echoes of gothic comics, Moebius, Jodorowski, Bilal, sets of the Hermetic Garage, and Blade Runner, protective balance in a hostile world. “I fix everything. I collect pieces of wood. A trunk wrapped in copper matrix becomes a bench”. He diverts lamps from a musician's desk, which have become a brass tree, and an orchestra lights you up...

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